Sunday, February 22, 2009

Bedtime surprise

Putting the girls to bed the last few months has been a chore. It usually includes several trips back to bed after getting out...yet again! They want to sleep on the couch, in our bed, or not at all. They want drinks or need to go potty. Madee screams so loud I am waiting for the Buckeye PD to knock on my door one night asking if we beat her. On the nights she screams, Madee throws everything out of her bed.
Being that we know bedtime is hard, we start early on Sunday nights. Tonight was not much different, in that sense only. They both didn't want to go to bed as usual. Isabelle began the night crying, wanting to sleep in my bed. After telling her no, the crying...continued. Then she began pounding on the wall. I went in and told her to stop, this made the crying worse. Her crying caused Madee to cry. They were both feeding off each other. Ah how nice it is when they play together.
Realizing they had been quiet for a while, I decided to go check on them. Isabelle fast asleep holding her Simba covered up and looking like an angel. Madee, well, she is another story! While looking on the ground I found out she once again threw EVERYTHING out of her bed. This time was definitely different though, tonight she managed to also take off her pajama pants AND her diaper. That's right, she was naked from the waist down, fast asleep.
Oh goodness, I foresee a long road ahead!

1 comment:

Camden said...

I think youi may have a wild one on your hands!