Monday, August 10, 2009

First Day of Preschool

Today was my undoing! I was so excited to FINALLY take Isabelle to preschool. I had prepared myself for the whining and shyness. I prepared myself to not be able to leave because she didn't want me to go. I prepared myself for the fact she might not want to go in the room. The horror! We walked into the gates and she acted like she owned the place. She told me where on her dress I needed to put her name tag. When we were supposed to go find her room, she already knew she was in the blue room. She walked right in, said hi to Mr. Blue-the fish, and proceeded to the play dough table. I asked her for a kiss, she slightly rolled her eyes. I took a couple pictures she was annoyed. I told her that Shannon, the sitter, would be picking her up because I had to work, "I know mom." I then said goodbye and she looked up at me and said, "ugh, GOODBYE!" and went back to playing...what has happened???

Isabelle and her friend Bree playing. Madee on the left, it was hard to get her out of the room.
Isabelle playing nice with me and "smiling"

Isabelle playing, clearly ignoring me

Isabelle before we left the house. She was super excited this morning. Woke up screaming and clapping when I told her it was time to wake up and get ready for preschool. Why aren't they this excited when I get them?

1 comment:

The Owens said...

Her dress was perfect for the first day of preschool. I cant believe how big she is getting.