Saturday, April 3, 2010

In Heaven

Over the last year, my girls have experienced quite a bit of death for young children. It ranges from loved ones to pets to random animals we see from time to time. We talk about death and heaven and God bringing people to heaven when they are no longer with us.
Tonight I was talking about the food that I am making for tomorrow's Easter lunch, green bean casserole and deviled eggs. There are Jarett's favorite and I made a comment that "Daddy will be in heaven since I am making these foods!" Isabelle got a worried look on her face and started crying asking me not to make those foods because she didn't want Daddy to go to heaven.
Try explaining that pun...
I love that she knows and has a relationship with God and that she trusts in the process of life and death, but she is only 4 and a half,why does she have to know about it so much?


Mrs. McKee said...

Wow...that's an intense story! I guess you will have to use another expression for being really, really happy!

Elizabeth said...

Funny how you are raising such a deep thinker... I have NO idea where she might get that from!