Sunday, April 18, 2010

Suddenly I have been bite by the craft bug

So I am always competing with my sisters-in-law at being crafty, well really just in my own mind. I want to be crafty like the two of them, but feel like I never have time to do it. So, at the sacrafice of grading students papers, I have taken on the things I wanted to make a few things at a time. The first is the pillow I sewed for my hubby. He has been begging me since Christmas and I finally did it. He was happy!

For my next trick, I took average looking headbands and added cute little pink flowers for the girls.

With two girls, we never have a shortage of hair stuff. We do, however: have a shortage of where to put it all. That is where the ribbon board comes in, not quite done yet but close.

The girls love it!

And my latest project were dresses for the girls. I finished Isabelle's but Madee was taking a nap so hers will have to wait for another time

I love crafting, it is such a destressor. Now I only need more time and money...


Mrs. McKee said...

Soooooo cute!

Elizabeth said...

I am picturing full days this summer just dedicated to crafting... hmmm pure bliss :)